The first domestic violence program in Lenawee County began through Call Someone Concerned, Inc. in the early 1970’s. In 1978, after receiving countless desperate cries for help from women in violent relationships, a program director was hired to develop and provide services specific to victims of domestic violence. Initial funding for this program came through the Michigan Domestic Violence Prevention and Treatment Board. The need for intensive services continued to grow beyond existing resources. In 1983, a grant was presented by the City of Adrian to purchase and renovate a facility where more families could be sheltered and all domestic violence services could be consolidated into one place. In 1984, with great vision, the facility officially became known as the Catherine Cobb Domestic Violence Shelter. In 2003, a renovation and addition to the building was completed, doubling the number of survivors able to seek shelter. Board of Directors
Mission Statement"To provide trauma-informed education and advocacy along with empowering support services to end domestic and sexual violence in Lenawee County."
Survivor Statements"I think I was meant to come here today and meet you. You gave me hope and I didn't think it was possible."
"No one has listened to or empowered me like these ladies." "My life was like soup pouring out of a bowl. But you listened and helped me put my life back into my bowl." |